Upgrade customer’s workspace

Collect workspace ID on checkout page

In this section, we will show you how to upgrade customers’ workspace after your customer pays directly to you.

One of the benefits of the UChat partner program is that you can charge the price you want and get 100% of the profit.

In order to upgrade your customer's workspace after the payment, you will need to ask for a workspace ID from your customers.

They can find the workspace ID in their workspace settings. You can also include where to find the workspace ID at your checkout page if you want.

Make sure you ask or make this field mandatory on your checkout pages if you want to use our partner API to upgrade automatically for them.

Manually upgrade customer’s workspace

After you collect the payment from your customer, you will also have their workspace ID. and then you can go to your white label settings under your custom domain or under the UChat domain.

You can search the workspace ID, and then upgrade customers’ workspace or add extra add-ons.

If you haven’t collected workspace ID, you can also search by owner’s email address and workspace name.

After you identify the workspace, you can upgrade for them manually. Please note that you need to have enough credit balance in your wallet to upgrade for them.