Inbound Webhook Report

Inbound Webhooks Report

This report shows the received webhook calls and their responses, essential for monitoring integration with other systems and services.

Steps to Access:

  1. Within your bot, go to Analytics.


  1. Select Inbound Webhooks from the left-side menu.



Available Report Types

Analysis of Inbound Webhooks from the Last 7 Days

This section provides a detailed analysis of the inbound webhooks recorded by the bot over the last 7 days, with a comparison to the previous period.

General Metrics

  • Webhook Count

  • Bot Users

Webhook Count and Bot User Count Graphs

The following graphs show the daily variations in the count of inbound webhooks and the number of bot users.

Webhook Count Graph
  • Orange and Gray Lines: Represent the webhook count in the current and previous periods, respectively.

Bot User Graph
  • Purple and Gray Lines: Represent the number of bot users in the current and previous periods, respectively.


Below is a visual example of the graphs:


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